by Chad Havunen | May 31, 2017 | Events, NBFC Blog, News, Uncategorized
by Chad Havunen | May 22, 2017 | NBFC Blog, Uncategorized
You’ve got it You’ve got your gym routine down. You are dedicated 3-5 days a week to getting in the gym and crushing your workouts. So why is eating healthy so hard? For a lot of people, including myself, the answer is simple – we don’t plan ahead. When I first...
by Chad Havunen | May 11, 2017 | NBFC Blog, News, Uncategorized
How To Put The Fun In Cardio By Lauren Jones ; We all know that cardio is not the most exciting thing to do. Having to spend 30+ minutes on the treadmill daily can definitely have you dreading coming to the gym. Since skipping cardio all together isn’t an option, you...
by daveflanagan | Sep 6, 2016 | Events, NBFC Blog, News, Uncategorized
Take a selfie in front of the Natural Bodyz Fitness logo at either location and post it to our Facebook or Instagram page with the hashtag #naturalbodyzfitness to enter to win $50.00 toward your membership! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to show off your...