I hired CJ in April to train me for Ms Fitness USA pageant. CJ not only prepared me physically through intense series of workouts, but he also developed a nutrition plan as well as a supplementation guide so I knew exactly what I was eating and taking to reach my goals. He provided me with an enormous amount of motivation throughout the way. He also taught/guided me through the different walking and posing stances that where required. I really enjoyed working with CJ because even on the days that we didn’t train together he still called to see how I was doing; his actions really showed me he cared. His ability to airbrush (tan) me for my competition made the world of difference. To train for so many weeks and have him handle everything I needed to be prepared; posing, tanning, last week prep, water, supplements and how to wrap it all together was unimaginably important. All of this brought me to compete in the OCB Presidential Cup in Washington D.C. I placed 4th in the Ms Fitness category. From there I went on to compete in the Ms Fitness USA Finals in Reno, Nevada. I placed 13th and made my dreams come in the process. I will continue to use CJ as my trainer for future competitions and I would recommend him to anyone that is trying to take their fitness to the next level.